Snow Ice cube



Ratio : ratio of snow ice powder to water is 1:5

Material: Snow ice powder       1,000g (2.2 pound)

Hot water             1,000c.c

Ice cube             1kg (2.2 pound)

Cold water              3,000c.c


  1. Mix the powder with hot water and stir well. Then add ice cube and cold water to cool down the temperature. .
    1. Pour the liquid into the container and put into the snow ice machine. It takes about 4~5 hours to make snow ice block.
    2. After the ice block is ready , take out the container and drop the liquid back to the machine.
    3. Put the container up side down with a net and flush it with cold water until the ice block fall on the net. Then pack the ice block with a plastic bag and store in freezer .


Notice:Make sure the ice cube fully melt in the snow ice liquid before putting into the snow ice machine.